

LARA is working hard to bring bi-lingual Peer Recovery Coach trainings to Latino Communities but we need your help. See our Initial Approach letter HERE. Thats why we need You! We are working hard to build recovery friendly Latino communities but cannot achieve this on passion alone. We need your help. Please consider donating as we work to raise funds for: To Build a Recovery Community with elements of diversity, inclusion, cultural and linguistic appropiate.

Be part of the historical cultural change !

LARA is currently seeking donations to support the following advocacy efforts:

  • Start up operations
  • Virtual Training Capabilities
  • Translator services for English to Spanish

Training funds: LARA is working towards bringing Peer Recovery Coach trainings to Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Columbia, and at a minimum – the top 10 states in the US with the highest Latino populations: California, New Mexico, Texas, Las Vegas, Arizona, Florida, Colorado, New Jersey, New York, Illinois.

It is estimated that each training, with travel and trainers cost is $10,000 each. LARA is hoping to find funding to deliver these trainings via a Learning Management System (LMS) and we are looking for both technical and financial support for a LMS or Moodle.

Please download our Initial Approach letter HERE.

If you would like to donate in any amount: